RV Lawn & Sport, Inc.
8950 Turin Road - Route 26
Rome, NY 13440-7406

Tel: (315) 337-­9760 | E-mail: info@rvlawnandsport.com
We service all makes and models of outdoor power equipment.     Store Hours:   Mon - Fri:   9AM - 5PM,   Sat:   9AM - Noon,   Sun:   Closed.
 Automotive Repairs 

We are a New York State Repair Station.

We can repair your car, light truck or trailer.

Some common repairs include:

Brakes - Pads, Rotors, Lines.
Ball Joints.
Oil Changes.
Minor Tune-ups

© 2024 RV Lawn & Sport, Inc.

Email: webmaster@rvlawnandsport.com